Draft Minutes of Bridford Parish Council Meeting 5th March 2018

Draft minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 5th March 2018 at 7.00pm
Present: Cllrs F Miles, A Lord, E Price, G Hearnden, J Padgham, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk) and two members of the public
1 Apologies: Cllrs T Evans, R Dowding, Cnty Cllr J Brook
2 Declarations of Interest – none
3 Public Discussion – two Parishioners requested the Parish Council’s help to try and resolve current problems with the mobile phone signal which have been ongoing since the end of January when Vodaphone advised that high winds were affecting one of the telecommunications masts.  The Parish Council will write to Vodaphone to try and establish when the problem is likely to be resolved and also refer the matter to Dst Cllr Amanda Ford who has a particular interest in getting the Teign Valley mobile phone and Broadband systems running effectively.
4 Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 5th February 2018 as a true and accurate record of the meeting
5 Allotments – all annual rents have now been received.  The tenant of plot 2a has requested permission to erect a greenhouse.  This is permitted under the terms of the allotment contracts but must not exceed 6’ x 8’.
6 Play Area – A report was received about a ram which had broken through into the Play Park and was chasing and butting members of the public.  A letter was sent to the owner of the animal requesting that the fence between the Play Park and the adjacent field be made secure to prevent any further occurrences.  It is currently too wet to proceed any further with the Table Tennis project but the Clerk confirmed that all of the grants applied for in connection with this project have been granted and should cover the costs of site preparation and purchase and installation of the equipment.  A Parish Councillor suggested that bats and balls should be purchased and if they disappear, then anyone wishing to play would have to bring their own.   A suggestion was made that once installed, there should be an opening ceremony.  The Chairperson thanked the Clerk for her efforts in obtaining these monies and for getting the project established.  The RoSPA inspection will take place during March or April.
7 Bridford Hill and Snow Warden – the Snow Warden and her team have done an amazing job during the recent spell of freezing weather.  A letter of thanks will be sent and also published in Unity.  The Snow Warden and team will be asked to review the set up and advise the Parish Council of their thoughts on the way forward in readiness for next winter.
8 Parish Plan Review Date – sub committee (non public) meeting to take place at the Bridford Inn at 7.30pm on Wednesday 21st March.
9 Village Garden – volunteers have cleared the garden in readiness for replanting, making a huge difference.  A decision will be made as to how the garden will be restocked.  There are funds of £67.50 earmarked for the garden and the Parish Council resolved to finance the replanting with a further £100.
10 Parish Footpaths – two or three paths to be checked.  No major problems identified to date.
11 Car Parking – an HMLR search has confirmed that the piece of land in front of 1-4 Oxenpark Gate is still owned by the builder who built the Oxenpark houses.  Car parking will be the main topic at the Annual Parish Meeting in May when thoughts and ideas will be encouraged as to the way forward.  A Parish Councillor reported that there is a car permanently parked on the bend opposite the top of Pound Lane which is causing concern, particularly as it is within the bus turning circle.  The PCSO will be contacted to advise on this and if necessary to get in touch with the owner of the vehicle.  A Parish Councillor suggested that Highways should be asked if the priorities could be changed at the junction of Neadon Lane with the Moretonhampstead Road, giving priority to traffic going in and out of Neadon Lane.  This would improve safety by slowing the traffic down.  Highways will be asked if they will come out and look at it.
12 District Councillors Report – no report in the absence of Dst Cllr Amanda Ford
13 County Councillors Report – no report in the absence of Cnty Cllr Jerry Brook
14 Meetings attended by Parish Councillors – none but the Clerk participated in an online ‘webinar’ course in conncection with the new Data Protection Laws which come into force in May.  There is a lot of work to be done to ensure that the Council complies.
For Discussion
The first two applications were dealt with between meetings due to the short timescale for submission of comments
15 Field at Manley Mead, Bridford – re proposed erection of general purpose secure agricultural building (DNPA ref. 0055/18).  Following a site visit, an informal no objection, which was ratified at full council this evening.
16 Larkspur, Bridford – re proposed alterations to roof to include dormers and new pitched roof on garage (DNPA ref 0065/18).  Following a site visit, the Parish Council supported this application informally, which was ratified at full council this evening
17 Land at Little Hole, Bridford – re application for Certificate of Lawfulness re proposed use of the land for agricultural purposes with siting of ancillary mobile field shelters (DNPA ref. 0085/17).  The Parish Council visited last year in respect of a previous application and its comments remain the same being no objection
18 Stonemill House, Stone Lane, Bridford – re proposed single storey rear extension (DNPA ref. 0096/18) – the Parish Council have no objections to this application
19 Any planning items for discussion since publication of the agenda

5 Scattor View, Bridford – re application for Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing use (DNPA ref 0109/18) –  an informal response (due to application being received after publication of the agenda), of no objection.  Will be ratified at full Council after publication on April agenda

For Information
20 Blackenstone Cottage, Moretonhampstead – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re partial demolition of dwelling and erection of two-storey extension (DNPA ref. 0450/17)
21 Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda – none
22 Account balances as at 5th February 2018

Current account

Investment account







Bank Interest January 2018

Proceeds from Clothing Bank

Mrs S Lawrence re annual allotment rent plot 2a


£       0.32

£     40.00

£     15.00

£     55.32                                        


Mrs J P Banks re February 2018 salary

Mrs J P Banks – reimburse renewal of McAfee Anti-Virus                                             £54.99

–  travelling expenses Clerks’ Networking meeting 23 miles @ 45p   £10.35

SLCC re Webinar online Data Protection Course £30.00 + £6.00 VAT

Information Commissioner re renewal of Data protection registration

Bridford Village Hall re agreed 20% of clothing bank proceeds 2017/18



£   200.93


£     65.34

£     36.00

£     35.00

£     26.40

£   363.67

25 Account balances as at 5h March 2018

Current account

Investment account




26 (Balances include earmarked funds: £120 refundable allotment deposits / £3,563 Play Area /  £67.50 Village Garden / £150.36  textile bank)
  The Parish Council resolved to accept the accounts and approve the expenditure.  Cllr Dowding, delegated by the Chairperson, checked the invoices to the cheque book and the bank reconciliation prior to the meeting and confirmed everything to be in order by email to the Chairperson.

The Parish Council will write to the Village Hall Committee to ask if it wishes to continue to receive the currently agreed 20% share of any proceeds received from the sale of the contents of the clothing bank.  The proceeds received have reduced in the past year and the Parish Council does have local projects that the money could be spent on which would benefit local residents.

27 Clerk’s Salary – the Parish Council resolved to authorise an annual increment from SCP 24 to SCP 25 (£11.78 per hour) w.e.f. 1st April 2018
28 Seat at top of Pound Lane – it has been drawn to the attention of the Parish Council that the seat on the grass at the top of Pound Lane is rotting and unsafe.  The Parish Council agreed that the present seat should be removed and replaced and that the replacement should be of a hard wood construction.  The Clerk will make enquiries into prices and possible grants available to purchase it.
29 Any items for discussion received since publication of the agenda – none
30 Making Planning Work for You – Devon Communities Together free interactive workshop for Parish Councils 27th March 2018.  This is very similar, if not the same, as a planning workshop attended by three of Bridford’s Parish Council last year.  The Parish Council will not therefore be sending further representatives.
31 Dates for Annual Parish Council and Annual Parish Meetings – the Annual Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 14th May and the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 22nd May.  The Parish Council authorised the Clerk to provide refreshments.
 32 Three Parishes Meeting 2018 – will be hosted by Dunsford Parish Council.  Bridford will suggest at this years meeting that all representatives from all of the Parish Councils could be invited to this annual meeting.
33 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none
34 Public Discussion – the Parish Council expressed its thanks to David Price and his team who have cut back the branches in the hedge at the top of Pound Lane.  A letter of thanks will be sent.  The grass contractor will be asked to add the maintenance of this hedge to the current contract.
35 Date of next meeting – The next meeting will be held on Monday 9th April 2018  at 7.00pm in the upstairs room of the Village Hall
  …………………………………………………………..Chairperson      …………………………………………………..2018




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