Minutes Bridford PC meeting 3rd July 2017

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held at Bridford Village Hall on Monday 3rd July 2017 at 7.00pm

Present: Cllrs F Miles (Chairperson), G Hearnden, E Price, R Dowding, A Lord, J Padgham, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk) and three members of the public.  Cnty Cllr Brook and Dst Cllr Ford attended for part of the meeting.

1 Apologies – Cllr T Evans
2 Declarations of Interest – none
3 Public Discussion

Works to the Church Tower – the recent addition of black drainpipes on the northern side of the church tower were brought to the attention of the Parish Council by a concerned Parishioner. The building is grade 1 listed but is under the powers of the Church. Cllr Dowding pointed out that there is also a black horizontal pipe running along the whole of the length of the church wall.  The Parish Council has no jurisdiction over this but agreed to write to Bridford PCC, whilst fully supporting the desperate need to do this work, questioning the colour of the pipework and the layout.

Dst Cllr Ford joined that meeting at 7.15pm – she was welcomed by the Chairperson and invited to speak.
Following the Grenfell Tower Disaster, the local authority is staring an assessment on its local accommodation.  The emergency and disaster plan will need to be reviewed in Council.  TDC has issued an online survey, the PC does not appear to have received details.  Cllr Ford will forward details to the Clerk.   Cllr Ford has been elected as vice Chair of Overview and Scrutiny.  She will be attending a Community Partnership meeting with the Police.
Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.20pm – the Chairperson welcomed him and invited him to speak.
The two planning applications re Hanson’s Quarry and the A382 at Drumbridges were both passed.  There are no current plans to re-open the quarry.  There were particular references to bat colonies and movements regarding the A382 plans.  Now approved, Central Government can be approached and when money is available, work can start.   Cnty Cllr Brook is no long on the Health committee and has gone on to Corporate.  Task work groups need to look at issues that are important to people.  One of the main complaints is potholes.   This week sees the first Public Rights of Way committee meeting, training will take place.  A full council meeting will be held on 20th July.
Cnty Cllr Brook and Dst Cllr Ford left the meeting at 7.35pm – the Chairperson thanked them both for attending and for their continued support.
Public Discussion – continued
Night time movements of farm vehicles – a number of complaints have been received regarding the disturbance by farm vehicles on the night of 7th June, tractors and trailers driving through the village at speed continuously until 5am.  Whilst it is appreciated that it is sometimes necessary to work throughout the night to get the hay baled and stored while the weather holds, it would appear the drivers of the vehicles made little or no effort to keep noise to a minimum, particularly when returning with empty trailers bumping and rattling back down the hill, neither did they drive considerately, going through the village at a rate of knots to get the next load on board.  The decision of Seven Acre Farm to bale and collect in one night was not acceptable, causing considerable stress to the neighbourhood.  The Parish Council will write to the owners of Seven Acre Farm expressing its concerns and requesting that the situation is reviewed prior to harvesting next year.
4 Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 12th June 2017 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
5 Allotments – the Clerk will purchase a new gate post for the top gate.  Reg Wills has kindly agreed to install it and re-hang the gate.
6 Play Area – nothing further to report
7 Bridford Hill – the Parish Council agreed that a public meeting should be held to discuss the way forward regarding the gritting of the hill.  A date will be arranged in September.  The Clerk will find out when the Village Hall is available and email potential dates to the Parish Councillors so a date can be arranged and details published in Unity.

Highways will be asked what the costs would be if the PC was allowed to pay for Bridford Hill to be gritted by their contractor and if it would be possible for them to add it to the gritting  route or if the PC could sub-contract the contractor.  An alternative is for residents to treat the road outside their homes using a shovel and grit from the grit bins, but the question then arises as to how often the grit bins would be topped up if used in this way.  There is still a very large supply of salt/grit in bags stored at Seven Acre Farm.  Could these be stored around the village?  If the PC leave the Snow Warden scheme, it will no longer benefit from free supplies of salt/grit.

8 Telephone Box Maintenance – BT has confirmed that the Bridford telephone box has been added to its

repainting schedule but cannot say if it will be undertaken this year.

9 Blue Advisory Road Signs -following the discussion at last month’s meeting regarding the problems with heavy goods vehicles, Highways Department is now investigating the most appropriate type of sign and costs and will report back.  The Clerk has asked DNPA if planning permission is required.
10 Village Garden – nothing further to report
11 Parish Plan – the Clerk reported that all suggested action is running to plan and to suggested timescales.  Health – Cllr Lord has a list of residents who live on their own and may require assistance.  Cllr Miles will speak with Mrs Walker who has indicated that she would be willing to help.  It was suggested that a local team of volunteers who would be willing to visit and provide assistance should be under the direction of Acorn who would be able to undertake the necessary CRB checks.  Cllr Miles will contact Acorn to discuss.
12 Asset Register –  was reviewed at June PC meeting, the defibrillator details have been added, the revised document accepted by the PC and signed off by the Chairperson and Clerk.
13 Meetings attended by Parish Councillors – Cllr Dowding attended a TALC meeting at which the local Police and Crime Commissioner gave a presentation.
14 District Councillors Report – presented earlier in the meeting
15 County Councillors Report – presented earlier in the meeting
For Discussion
16 Thorn Farm, Bridford– re proposed demolition of existing rear porch and steps, demolition of sheds and erection of new rear and side extensions (DNPA ref. 0303/17).   Comments deferred pending a site visit to the property on 8th July.
17 Any planning items for discussion since publication of the agenda
Cedar House, Bridford – re proposed erection of outbuilding to provide ancillary living accommodation (DNPA ref. 0320/17).  The PC looked at the plans and deferred making comments, agreeing that a site visit should be undertaken.
For Information
18 Land adjoining Lower Hole, Bridford – Refusal of Planning Permission  re change of use of land to equestrian and erection of four field shelters and associated hardstanding,  (DNPA ref. 0231/17)
19 Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda – none
20 Local Plan Review Consultation – to be discussed at a meeting of the Planning Committee. See item 21.
21 Planning Procedures and Policies relating to Bridford PC – a meeting of the Planning Committee will take place on Monday 14th August
22 Account balances as at 12th June 2017

Current account

Investment account







Chilcorn  re proceeds of clothing bank contents



£    44.00

£    44.00



Mrs J P Banks re June salary

HMRC re Clerk’s PAYE quarter ended 5 July 2017

Mrs J P Banks – admin expenditure quarter ended 5 July 2017       £112.83

use of home as office quarter ended 5 July 2017   £  54.00

Mrs J P Banks – catering Annual Parish/Council Meeting 8 May (S137 payment)

Bridford Village Hall  re hire of meeting room 1 April – 30 June       £60.00

re contribution of PO rent 1 April – 30 June      £48.00


£  200.93

£ 220.60


£ 166.83

£   37.20








Account balances as at 3 July2017

Current account

Investment account








(Balances include earmarked funds: £90 refundable allotment deposits / £565 Play Area /  £67.50 Village Garden / £88.76  textile bank)

The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure. Cllr Dowding, delegated by the Chairperson, checked the cheques to the invoices and the reconciliation to the bank statement.

26 Any items for discussion received since publication of the agenda

Bridford Rural Skip Service 15th July – TDC has requested confirmation that the lay-by will be empty first thing in the morning.  The Clerk will make up a notice and put it up in the lay-by.

27 Notice of Road Closure – road from Langdale to Windmill Gate, Bridford from 10th – 14th July to enable pre patching works for 18/19 surface dressing
28 New Funding Available for Dartmoor Communities – details passed to the Village Hall committee
29 Views on Neighbourhood Policing – meeting 7 July at South Hams District Council
30 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda

Garden Waste Collection Service – subscriptions need to be renewed before 25th August to ensure continuation of garden waste collection service.

31 Public Discussion

Overgrown Hedges on Pound Lane – the hill is becoming very dangerous, there having been one accident this summer already.  Although we are still in the nesting season, hedges can be cut if considered dangerous.  The hedges are particularly overgrown and obscuring vision at Oxenpark Gate at the top of the hill and on the bend outside Southwood which is currently unoccupied.  Highways will be contacted and requested to cut back the hedges in these locations.  Other landowners with boundaries on Pound Lane will be written to in August to ask them to cut their roadside hedges.  Cllr Price will confirm the actual date for the end of the nesting season.

Cllr Lord mentioned that  a number of residents have been receiving phone calls regarding loft installation and while some may be quite legitimate people should be on their guard and wary when answering the telephone.

32 Date of next meeting – There is a summer recess in August and therefore there will be no Parish Council meeting.  The next meeting will be held on 4th September at 7.00pm in the upstairs room of the Village Hall




Original copy of minutes signed by the Chairperson  4th September 2017



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