Minutes of Bridford Parish Council meeting 12th June 2017

Minutes of a meeting of Bridford Parish Council held on 12th June 2017 at Bridford Village Hall at 7.00pm
Present: Cllrs G Hearnden (Chair) E Price, A Lord, R Dowding, J Padgham, Mrs J P Banks (Clerk) and three members of the public.  Cnty Cllr Jerry Brook and Dst Cllr Amanda Ford were present for part of the meeting.
1 Apologies Cllrs F Miles and T Evans
2 Declarations of Interest – none
3 Public Discussion – the owner of Birch Tree Farm spoke of his concerns regarding heavy goods vehicles being directed past his home by satellite navigation systems.  A considerable amount of damage has been done to the banks, hedgerows and his own land.   DCC Highways Department has been contacted by the Parishioner.  Simon Pearson (DCC Highways) has suggested that the way forward would be to install blue advisory road signs at each end of the lane.  This will require the support of the Parish Council which has agreed to get in touch with Highways to establish what the procedure and way forward will be.

Also brought to the attention of the Parish Council is that the give way / priority road markings are wrong in two places on Neadon Lane, giving the impression that Neadon Lane veers off to the left rather than going down the hill to the main road.    It is understood that Highways Department is already aware of this but the Clerk will get in touch to ensure that arrangements are in hand to correct the road markings.

Dst Cllr Ford joined the meeting at 7.15pm
4 Minutes – the Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 8th May 2017 as a true and accurate record of the meetings.
5 Allotments – the gate post has rotted through and broken off at the top of the allotment field.  The Clerk has tried unsuccessfully to persuade anybody to take on the job to replace it.    Reg Wills has a post driver.  Cllr Lord will ask him if he would be able and willing to undertake the repair.
6 Play Area – nothing new to report.  The Clerk and Cllr Price have yet to meet to discuss the replacement of the wooden fort.
7 Bridford Hill – regarding the gritting of the road surface.  Matter deferred until the next meeting when Cllr Miles will be present and can be included in the decision as to the next step forward.
8 Telephone Box Maintenance – Photos sent to BT who have yet to decide whether or not repainting of our ‘eyesore’ phone box is necessary.  The Clerk will follow it up.
9 Angler’s Cottage – Teignbridge District Council has advised that the Enforcement Order to repair the property was not complied with and the owner has now put the property up for sale.
10 Village Garden – now included on the Parish Council’s insurance policy providing £10m public liability.
11 Parish Plan – all suggested timescales are being adhered to with regards to aims and suggestions contained within the Plan.  Cllr Dowding reported that he has completed a Draft Planning Policy Guide for the Parish Council and that this will need a separate meeting to run through and discuss.
12 Defibrillator – the defibrillator is now installed on the wall of the porch outside the Village Hall.  Cllr Dowding confirmed that David Wood (First Responder) has been to check that it is all in working order and he has registered it with the Devon Ambulance Service.  First Responders have taken responsibility for its upkeep and undertaking all necessary regular checks.
13 Grass Cutting Tenders – only one tender was received which was from Mr Graham Dicker in respect of the three year contract commencing April 2017 and this has been accepted by the Parish Council.  Mr Dicker to supply an up to date copy of his public liability insurance.
14 Meetings attended by Parish Councillors – five Councillors from Bridford attended the Three Parishes meeting hosted by Christow Parish Council on 16th May.  Two attended from Christow. There was no representation from Dunsford.     Cllrs Miles, Price and Padgham attended a planning meeting at DNPA on 12th June.
15 District Councillors Report – Dst Cllr Ford confirmed that the CEO at TDC has resigned but with all District Councillors being sworn to secrecy, she could not say any more.  The CEO will not be replaced and her workload is being shared between the existing deputy CEO who will become Head of Paid Services and other existing officers.  The mobile phone structure is now connected and up and running in the Valley giving a mobile phone signal to some but not all providers.  The NHS is holding its first ‘open day’ with a Health Fair and AGM at Newton Abbot on 22nd June.  Details to be circulated to the Parish Councillors.
Cnty Cllr Brook joined the meeting at 7.25pm
16 County Councillors Report – following the County Council election in May, it has taken until now for DCC to be up and running and operating correctly.  A Management Development meeting took place last week.

There were two important applications, the first being from Hansons Trusham Quarry re its conditions and permission to remain open.  There is a considerably large amount of valuable dolomite rock in the quarry but it is covered by poor quality aggregate on top.  The application was approved.

The second application was to widen the road from Drumbridges to Jetty Marsh Lane at Newton Abbot.  It is noted that the current road has been responsible for a number of deaths with 19,000 vehicle movements per day.  There is also a plan to construct 200-300 houses near Jetty Marsh.  The road widening will be done in three stages and will make both geographical and historical changes.

Cllr Brook mentioned that there is now a direct link to the works team to report potholes.  If he is allowed to publicise the contact details, he will do but in the meantime, he is happy for details of any potholes to be sent to him and he will forward on direct to the team.   Details of the problems at Birch Tree Farm regarding heavy vehicles were passed on to Cllr Brook who spoke to the property owner and offered to take up the matter with Highways.

Cnty Cllr Brook and Dst Cllr Ford left the meeting at 7.45pm
For Discussion
17 The following applications were dealt with between meetings due to the short timescales for submission of comments.  Details were circulated to Parish Councillors.

Thorn Farm, Bridford – re proposed construction of ménage (20m x 40m) with 3-rail timber fence.  Following a site visit, the Parish Council had no objections to the application (DNPA ref 0242/17)

18 Lower Westcott Farm, Doccombe, Moretonhampstead – re proposed change of use of part of field to provide riding area (15m x 25m) with associated works (DNPA ref 0199/17).  The Parish Council has no objections to this application
19 Field at Manley Mead, Bridford – application for Prior Notification re proposed agricultural store for machinery, equipment and feed (DNPA ref 0185/17).  The Parish Council has no objections to this application although it is understood that the application has currently been deferred as it is likely to need a full planning application.
20 Land adjoining Lower Hole, Bridford – re proposed change of use of land and erection of four field shelters and associated hard standing (DNPA ref 0231/17).  Following a site visit, the Parish Council had no objections to the application
21 Any planning items for discussion since publication of the agenda – none
For Information
22 Middle Heltor Farm, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission re installation of mobile telecommunications and ancillary equipment involving the erection of 12m high telegraph pole with eight consumer antennae and four backhaul radio antennae and associated radio housing and trenching.  (DNPA ref 0145/17)
23 Tree Preservation Order: Western End, Bridford – Conditional consent has been granted to fell a tree at The Spinney (DNPA ref 0019/17)
24 Cedar House, Bridford – Grant of Conditional Planning re external works to existing outbuilding (DNPA ref 0123/17)
25 The Hide, Bridford – Certificate of Lawful Use or Development granted (DNPA ref 0124/17)
26 The Old Quarry, Pound Lane, Bridford – the Parish Council wrote to DNPA asking about the current situation at The Old Quarry.  DNPA replied:  The enforcement notice requires the cessation of the residential use of the mobile home but not its removal, a mobile home having been sited on the land for many years prior to the notice being served, but not in residential use.  The owner of the caravan was due to move out when the caravan would revert to being a site office / rest room facility for the new owner of the site who proposed to carry out caravan repairs on the land.
27 Any planning items for information received since publication of the agenda – none
28 Account balances as at 3rd April 2017

Current account

Investment account






(Balances include earmarked funds: £90 refundable allotment deposits / £565 Play Area /  £67.50 Village Garden / £44.76  textile bank)

1st half of precept

VAT Refund

S J Newman re allotment rent plot 3

S J Newman re allotment deposit plot 3

Bank interest April

Bank interest May




£    465.29

£        7.50

£      30.00

£        0.16

£        0.15



Bridford Village re hire of room for PC meetings 1 Jan – 31 Mar                £48.00

re contribution to Post Office room hire 1 Jan – 31 Mar £48.00

Mr G Dicker re grass cutting Jan/Feb/Mar

Society of Local Council Clerks annual subscription

Came & Company Annual Insurance Premium

Mrs J P Banks re April salary                    £200.93

re May salary                     £200.93

re holiday pay 2016/17   £280.20

Mrs P Clapham re completion of internal audit

Mrs J P Banks re purchase of new printer

£     96.00

£  162.53

£    78.00

£  574.42



£  682.06

£    50.00

£    34.99






31 Account balances as at 12 June 2017

Current account

Investment account








The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts and authorise the expenditure.  Cllr Dowding, delegated by the Chair, checked the invoices to the cheque book and the reconciliation to the bank statement.
32 Review of Financial Regulations – annual review with no amendments necessary.  Signed by the Chair and Clerk 12th June 2017
33 Review of Statement of Internal Control – annual review with one amendment made by the Clerk and being agreed by the Parish Council in connection with the wording regarding the Internal Audit.  Signed by the Chair and Clerk 12th June 2017.
34 Review of Risk Assessment – annual review with amendments being made by the Clerk and agreed by the Parish Council following the change of Insurance Company.  Details of Village Garden also added under ‘Services’ and also details of the new three year grass cutting contract.   Signed by the Chair and Clerk 12th June 2017
35 Review of Asset Register – annual review.   Defibrillator will be added to Parish Council assets.  Clerk will add this and bring document to July meeting for signature.
36 Standing Orders – document was reviewed at May meeting.  Amendment made and agreed by the Parish Council and revised document signed by the Chair and Clerk 12th June 2017
37 Future Annual Parish Meetings – the Parish Council resolved that the Annual Parish Meeting in future will be a separate meeting to be held on a different evening to the Annual Parish Council Meeting.  This will take effect in 2018.
38 Fly the Red Ensign for Merchant Navy Day – 3rd September 2017.  The Parish Council will not be participating.
39 CPA “Our Outdoors” Competition 2017 – replaces Best Kept Village Competition with different new categories.  Details to be passed on to Matt Jones (Bridford Woodland Trust)
40 Any items for discussion received since publication of the agenda – none
41 Bridford Annual Rural Skip Day – Reminder 15th July 2017 at the lay-by at the top of Pound Lane from 10.00am – 4.00pm
42 Any items for information received since publication of the agenda – none
43 Public Discussion – there were no further items for discussion.
44 Date of next meeting will be 3rd July 2017 at Bridford Village Hall
  Original copy of minutes signed  by the Chairperson  3rd July 2017